my computer is fuxx0r3d and I need to get a new one, but I have very little money for computers, so I dunno what t do!

My current desktop machine is working overtime just to do the basic stuff I want to use it for (writing, browsing, light photoshop) and it's to the point now that when I'm moving my mouse across the screen, it just stalls out and I have to wait for it to catch up.

I have a few options:
Mini-computer for 200 bucks
Used iMac for 250 bucks
cheap tower for 300 bucks

I don't know!



Depends on your use case.

How about an upgrade? Ram or ssd?


The imac and mini-computer I'm looking at are both under 300 bucks. I think any upgrades I do will cost at least that much. So I'm really torn on whether it's worth upgrading parts of a dying computer or just starting fresh. Because I have to consider labor as well as parts.

@joehumphrey you won't start fresh with secondhand and will run into the same problem in the near future.

Can I ask for the use case?

@juny oh sorry, I mostly just want to use the internet, write, and some light photoshop

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